Saturday, December 25, 2010

A little more venting about dating....

So, something I was thinking about when I was thinking about the demands men make on women to wear heels and make up on dates was the unwillingness of the male gender to pay for the date. Men gripe and piss and moan that they can't afford date after date in hopes of finding their missing rib. I wonder if the same men are men that expect their dates to layer the crap on their face and put their feet in the shoes that shove their entire foot forward into a tiny space that squeezes and crushes the bones. I told one of my friends I don't know how women can wear those things and she said that they wear inserts to make their feet feel good. I wasn't aware that shoe inserts could reverse gravity. 

It's funny how the same men who complain about how they can't find anyone and they only end up dating these horrible women can't see their own flaws. Women who are overly concerned about their external appearance only have externals. Generally women who are quality inside aren't sitting in front of a mirror talking about how pretty they are. Furthermore, these women feel a certain entitlement, and why shouldn't they? They spent so much time on their appearance it's like a job, therefore they expect you to spend money on them. They aren't investing their time and money on make up and such for nothing. They expect a return on their investment, gosh d darndit!


  1. A friend of the family who was a shoe salesman for many years clued me in about one of the tricks of the trade. The carpet in many stores hides lots of extra padding under the women's section (if there is one). It makes those pointed torture devices feel more comfortable when the customer tries them out.

    When we got married lo these many my wife needed nice shoes. We went to a famous clothing store. The salesman looked at the Converse Hi-tops she was wearing and asked "Do you always wear shoes like that?" When she answered that she did he said "There's nothing in this store I can sell you." Fashionable shoes just aren't made for unmutilated feet.

  2. And this is why my feet are in good shape to this day. However, there is an art to combining comfort with looking good. You don't have to look like a supermodel on a date. (To me, that's selling a false bill of oods. Unless the woman is committed to living in makeup and heels, eventually all that stuff comes off. And that's what the man has to live with too.)
    However, I'm not completely anti-makeup. Sometimes it can be fun to put on a little. However, if it becomes a full-time obsession with looks, then that's not healthy.

  3. "I told one of my friends I don't know how women can wear those things and she said that they wear inserts to make their feet feel good. I wasn't aware that shoe inserts could reverse gravity."

    Lol!.... sort of. I think heels should be banned.

  4. No, I will wear crap on my face for a special occasion. Crap makes me pretty. To my one Jewish wedding I wore make up AND heels. It's just like for a date with some guy I've never met before.... YAAAAAAAWN not in the mood. I don't even know him. I get the whole "first impression" thing but there's a 99% chance I"ll never see him again, why should I invest?

  5. Sheesh,

    I think you need to take a "formal" break from dating and try and develop a better attitude about it.

    If I turned the tables around, and told you that a guy who dates YOU is thinking, "Eh, I'm probably not going to see her again.....who cares? Why invest?" would that make you feel?


  6. That's my point, THEY DO THINK LIKE that. They don't EVEN want to pay for a cup of coffee.

  7. I dunno, Michal....

    You don't know what they're thinking. Are they thinking you're not worth it, or are they horrifically cheap?

    My wife has some real doozies about guys she dated, too. Flies came out of one guy's wallet, that's how horribly cheap he was.

    But usually guys like that are losers for many reasons. So how are you meeting these guys? If it's a set-up, FIRE THE SHADCHAN.

