Sunday, February 6, 2011

Chaim 1

I just thought I would take a minute to address some of the comments the rather obnoxious Chaim 1 has submitted in the last month...

First, he says that I don't get responses on my blog and Rabbi Maryles does because I moderate... ummm, actually I only moderate you, Chaim. I think another commenter was more accurate in saying that I don't post in such an even flow. Also, I post a lot of non-Jewish stuff and no one seems to read it except for Wingate and Aztec Queen. I also, think that Rabbi Maryless is taken more seriously because he is: 1) a man and rabbi, 2) FFB and 3) older. However, one should note that my comments as to what is fake tradition and such come from interactions with persons FFB of another generation.

Second, Chaim 1 says I don't have a Jewish attitude towards marriage and assumes that I'm looking for attraction. Actually, I'm having trouble finding someone who gets to three dates without insulting and patronizing me. Usually, it happens before even the first date. I have little tolerance for it.

Third, Chaim 1 seems to think that Rabbi Maryles is not publishing his comments because of me.... ummm, no. I wish I could claim credit for such a thing, but I think that if he's not publishing your comments it's because of you. NO ONE LIKES YOU, Chaim 1, stick to frumster where you're tolerated. Oh and why is that you are on Frumster as a divorced man when you claim on here to be married? No, no, I know, there just so HAPPENS to be another Chaim who is the same age, location and posts with a similiar disjointed barbaric Chareidi tone as you... but it's not you...

1 comment:

  1. I got a huge laugh out of that one!! Good for you calling him out!
