Thursday, May 19, 2011

Guest post: Happy post part two of three

Regardless, I was pretty excited! I can tell you, I seriously doubt there was a happier guest to be in this neighborhood all Thursday night and Friday. It was so nice to leave the house (I work from home), leave my kitchen, and get to enjoy Shabbat from the guest perspective. Since I had a break from having to put in the time to host and handle much of my own food and home prep for guests, I got to enjoy a pre-shabbat manicure and a longer soak in the tub, something I never have time for. I find if I attempt earlier in the week, anything more than a coat of clear polish is a no-no, it gets chipped or horribly smudged up since I do a lot work with my hands especially near the end of the week. So I was pretty in pink nails too, a nice treat!

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