Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Are religious Jews becoming goyish?

I think it's appalling what I've noticed about Judaism. I understand that keeping kosher and Shabbos are important. However, I just can't get over the way people think it's ok to do all these other things that no one considers ok, even if they are doing it.

For starters, people in the regular society sleep around and such. Their reaction is, "I'm an adult, I can do whatever I want." Even though this has become common practice, I don't think anyone really thinks this is right, not even the people that do it. It's more about they don't care what's right, everyone else is doing this and no one is going to tell them what to do (hmmm.... ok this doesn't jive with my last post... but, hey).

Unfortunately for the Jewish people, instead the reaction is, "I do the right thing because I keep kosher and Shabbos, so if I want to sleep around, I'm not violating any Jewish laws."

It's time the rabbis start speaking out about some of the things going on in the religious world. I'm not the only one who feels this way. I recently saw that some posts online about the behavior of yeshivah bochurim. I've seen complaints about how they get goyishly drunk at weddings. I've seen how me samayach at weddings has turned into this license for these men to drop any decorim they might have in favor of drunken rowdiness.

This is not something I have seen first hand. I've actually not yet been to a Jewish wedding. However, I ran across complaints in completely different places on the the internet. I also saw that more than one person stated they can't believe rabbis aren't speaking out about this. The last post I read about this, they stated there were rabbis at the wedding witnessing this and they didn't say anything.

When the rabbis give their d'var Torahs, they are challenging the people to be a better person. Are they not? So, I challenge the rabbis to roll up their sleeves and really challenge the Jewish people to truly be on a level higher than all the goyim, instead of this refusal to acknowledge the heavy influence.

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