Wednesday, October 28, 2009

comment on old Ivank/conversion post

Aliza "La Jewminicana" Hausman said...
I didn't have a dime to my name and the rabbis at KJ worked with me. They were nothing but amazing. Don't judge all rabbis by a couple of bad apples. Don't judge all converts by a couple of bad apples. And don't judge all Jews by...see where I'm going? People should be judged, if they are judged, as individuals.

Michal says:
My commenters think she (Ivanka) was pushed through for money. I do not. KJ has a plethora of rich donors to choose from.

The sad truth is that the RCA doesn't hold the GPS standards they claim to hold. They convert people who need more time or who shouldn't be converted at all in timeframes insulting to Orthodox Jewry.

What happens when Israel realizes this? They will stop accepting RCA conversions and retroactively. RCA converts from these new "safe, unquestioned" conversions will face the same problems we had before. RCA needs to clean up their act or sincere converts will be burned.


  1. What about when Israel realizes that they are becoming too strict and make it impossible for anyone to ever convert?

  2. I don't know about Israel. All I know is the RCA beis din has converted someone in 10 months and they could not have possibly looked closely at the situation. There were many details that should have concerned them. I'll bet they didn't even realize this girl had JUST started her conversion.

  3. I don't understand how you can make comments like "What happens when Israel realizes this? They will stop accepting RCA conversions and retroactively. " when you claim you don't know much about the Israeli conversion process. I would think that you would need to have a pretty detailed knowledge base about the topic to make a statement like that.

  4. I know that Israel is fed up with Americans who don't know their stuff. When they find out the RCA never took the standards of the GPS in practice, they will not be happy. As of right now, they agree to take RCA conversions because of those standards.

    It's a good thing I went through anotht beis din.

  5. Michal,

    I can see where you are coming from. The RCA has very low standards and they also take much more liberal positions which are outside of mainstream Orthodoxy. This liberal hashkafa is applied to their conversions which I think will not be viewed kindly by traditional orthodoxy. And especially not by the Israeli Rabbinut!

  6. I would think that you would need to have a pretty detailed knowledge base about the topic.
    Acai Berry
