Sunday, December 6, 2009

A Real Snow Storm

Well, one of my Facebook friends says he can't wait for a real snow storm. So, I said that to me, having grown up in Buffalo, I know snow like Bo don't know.... The last blizzard I was around for was the "storm of the century" or the blizzard of 2000. So, here are some pictures:

That picture is the view I had from my job at the time which I was stranded at overnight. Ok, to be fair, they reimbursed for us to stay in a hotel and actually, those of us from that place got the last rooms.

There was also a nice snow the winter of 1998-1999. I remember it was the winter before I went into the Army. I went into the Army April of 1999. During this storm, I looked out the window at my car which was in the driveway and all I could see was about 6 inches of window. The rest was a great big lump of white. They put driving bans into effect. The businesses were forced to shut down for a couple days. I don't know how much food I had, but, I must have had something. I usually had a good stock of soup. I used to love to eat Campell's Chunky Sirloin Burger soup with cheese in it-soooooooooooo, not kosher.

I also remember a blizzard in the 80's. I wanted to say that it was in 1984 but, it couldn't have been. I remember which teacher I had. I had her for 5th and 6th grade. I think it was '85 or '86. We were off school for a week. We played in the snow: me, my sister and our friends from the neighborhood. We went sledding on the giant mound of snow in the backyard. Ah, those were the days!

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